This game i brought and i have the right to refuse those patch !

Home Forums Support This game i brought and i have the right to refuse those patch !

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  • #15144

    Dear Admin :

    I’m now to ask you to remove the Build 4820 and above in my computer .

    Why ? Yes you have the copyright of the game , but your company had sold me your game already

    Those update patch i didn’t request and i didn’t buy it in anyway and any kind of money , its just you offer for free to those buyer .

    If you are worry about i’m playing un-licence game , sorry if i’m playing that i won’t have my post here .

    Because i buy form steam and they just update my game without notice , and just like RAPE ย me



    He has a point. i’d love to roll back to the version without Main connection fiasco ๐Ÿ˜‰


    Disable auto updates in steam and read changelogs before manually installing updates. Its Simaple a sthat


    I didnt find in the patch notes a sentence : The main connection feature effectively disable an option to build trains.

    Hopefuly there are other options how to get older versions. So install the older version to another folder, run it, make a save game of a new map, move the save game to the folder with official patched version. Play as usual. Problem solved.Ufff.

    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by gGeorg.

    BTW I cannot find how to deactivate auto-updates in Steam.
    I only see three options in the game properties:
    – Always keep this game up to date
    – Only update this game when I launch it
    – High priority – always auto-update this game before others

    On the Steam-level options, I couldn’t find any setting to disable auto-update.

    Do I miss something?


    I don’t understand how your game updated itself when mine never do. I have to go into Steam to update it myself every time.


    It is Steam who doesn’t offer downgrades. I (and very many disappointed users) already learned it with Civ V e.g..

    Usually for every game Autoupdate is activated at steam and it will autoupdate every time an update is avaiable and you connect to steam. You can turn it off with a little work via:



    Well Tattoo you must be lucky then..
    Thanks courseofra for the link! In these dark times of The Main Connection order, every bit of information is precious for survival.


    I just read something that might help. ck_mike, are you starting the game thru steam? I use the desktop shortcut and might be why my games don’t upgrade themselves. I just read that if you start it thru steam, it will update itself but if you use the desktop shortcut like I do, it won’t update itself. Hope this helps.

    I would offer you my older version of TF but have no where to put it for ya. Sorry but I don’t need any trouble for trying to help someone out. I have every version release so far, except of course the last one. I don’t even want it nor will I try it.


    Hi Tattoo! No, I usually start from the shortcut, but it also points to Steam (steam://rungameid/xxxxxx).
    I’ve just tried to launch directly TrainFever.exe, but it launched Steam too!! Those guys are brilliant ๐Ÿ˜€ But normally I’ve disabled updates, so we’ll see..
    Man, if you’ve got previous patch just before December 16th it’s just great! But yeah I don’t want any trouble for you neither.. so I think we’d better wait and count endless days until DEVs wake up and correct this mess they’ve put on us for Christmas ๐Ÿ˜‰


    It seems to me that this game updates quite often. I really like that they still try and make the game better. I bet if they stopped updating it and left it in current state for too long people would complain about that too ๐Ÿ˜€


    Sure, these guys are awesome! Just for brinning this piece of wonder into this world!
    But we should be protected against the screw-ups like the last update, we should be given a choice to rollbackย an update.
    They are now drinking beers and perhaps even totally unaware of the bomb they released.
    I wanted to drink beer too, damn it, while lying rail tracks in TF!!! ๐Ÿ™


    Isn’t it funny how the OP never responds?
    I guess they just rant and leave.


    Cancel run and leave. Stay and correct the shit.


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