Train Fever Wish List

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  • #9751

    This is my wishlist (sorry for redundancies):

    track planning in segments before actually building it;

    – a minimap;

    less pillars for the bridges and a better way to place bridges and tunnels avoiding collisions;

    separate tracks for trams;

    fix of the bug that make impossible to delete some tracks or tunnels;

    trains economy should be rebalanced, and trains should get more income than trams (higher fares as in reality). At the present, at hard level of difficulty, intercity connections operated with trams or buses make millions, while the same routes operated by trains barely manage to survive;

    a map editor and more options in the random maps setup, (such as map elevation, number of cities, max city population, etc.);

    scenarios/missions to accomplish.


    Thanks to the Devs and keep up the good work!

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by Neldot.
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