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    hi guys

    before i start, sorry for my english, it’s not my main language but i tought posting here would be the best.

    me and a friend are currently working on a complete overhaul for trainfever. while we love the game as it is we’d like to make it better by adding certain things we dearly miss.

    here’s a list of things we already did and are working (most of the time:P)

    – a metro system

    – new railway stations. most importantly end stations and stations with integrated tram, bus and metro

    – a new cargo system, kinda like the cargo mod but more extensive.

    – even bigger maps

    – way better performance lategame. instead of simulating every sim it groups them as the game goes on.

    – ships yayyy. even though their animation is kinda crap right now but we are working on it.

    furthermore we are planning on mountain railways and cablecars..


    what we need is alpha testers, modders, designers and more ideas 🙂

    more details and pictures following asap



    Count me in, any way I can help to improve this game would be time well spent! I have many hours experience with TF and know all too well the problems it has with performance. I have a reasonable system and time to spare at the moment so could put in a few hours a day easily on an Alpha test. Only problem is, there is no private message system here so how to contact people personally?

    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by simonmd.

    The cargo system can’t be altered until they remove the hard coded stuff. They mention the new free DLC which is coming which will remove some hard coded stuff, but they aren’t specific. If that’s removed, then a cargo overhaul could certainly be done, and would be very welcome.



    I’m interested as well for testing. To anyone who needs a tester. I got 253 hours in game time and would love to get something new to try out. Anything to help to make this game better and shall we say more finished 😉


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