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  • in reply to: newb here – fast road vehicles can't pass slow #21795

    Certainly, as vehicles can’t overtake other slower vehicles, the only way to get full speed is to replace all old vehicles in a line with new ones.

    Regarding your second question, in the window of whatever line, there is a tab that offers you the possibility of automatic vehicle replacement.  You can set the vehicle that will replace the old one and at what time (how old has the vehicle to be in order to be replaced), but note that there are several shortcomings:

    1. The new vehicle will be automatically replaced when the old one reaches the following stop, but unfortunately all cargo/passengers will be lost.  And those lost cargo/passengers will negatively count for the line/industry statistics.
    2. If the vehicle you have set for replacement or any part of it becomes obsolete with the pass of time, automatic replacement won’t take place any longer and you won’t be notified.


    in reply to: Modded maps/Production stop #21719

    I think that the 20 minute rule considers the total time spent for a piece of goods from origin to destination and that includes:

    1. Time from industry to platform in origin (you can see that packets actually “walks” from industry to platform if you turn display of cargo packets on)
    2. Time waiting for the train to arrive.
    3. Travel time.
    4. Time from platform in destination to industry.

    So you have to be well under 20 minutes in line frequency to fulfil the requirements.  For instance, a line with a frequency of 19 minutes, accounts on average for a 9 and a half minute wait at origin platform.  And you have to add times in items 1, 3 and 4.

    The game probes the chain and when it sees that you aren’t reaching the targets in time, it gets cut off.  Or at least I understand it that way.

    Another source can be that if you have automatic replacement turned on, cargo is lost when replacing and that counts towards cutting off a line.



    in reply to: [BUG] disappearing cargo with automatic upgrade #21302


    And I can confirm the bug.  That bug can be very disturbing since when goods aren’t delivered, an industry can cease production and with it all down the chain and ruin completely several lines…


    in reply to: Tip: Removing small invisible segments. #21271

    I had two of those tiny segments in my last map and that’s the way I got rid of them:

    1. Using the terrain tools and zoom, locate the position of the segment.  It’s easy, whenever the white circle touches any part of the segment, it turns red.
    2. Dig around the segment the closer you can with the smallest circle.  If done correctly the offending segment will become apparent.  Dig quite a deep hole around.
    3. Zoom in and move the camera and use the buldozer tool until you demolish it.  Pay attention that the segment can be very tiny, even one pixel in size.  Move around the cursor until it is marked selected in yellow.
    4. Flatten the terrain to leave everything like it was at the beginning.


    in reply to: Did Urban Games forgot about cross-tracks? #21249

    Train Fever doesn’t use block signals, but path signals.  That means that the trains will free reservations that are behind it.  So, once the crossing is passed, it will be freed.

    If you put a signal on an outgoing track, a train may occasionally have to stop before it and block the crossing.  If things get complicated, that may lead to a deadlock.


    in reply to: Did Urban Games forgot about cross-tracks? #21240

    If tracks have only one direction, the wisest thing is to put one-directional signals on entrance tracks and nothing on exiting tracks.

    If you don’t put any signal, one train can reserve the whole track including the crossing and prevent another train to even get near the crossing.  If you put signals and the crossing is occupied, at least another train can approach the crossing just up to the point just before the crossing.

    If tracks are bidirectional, things get more complicated.  What I do is to put some buffers just before the crossing so that trains are never in the way of one another.

    For example, in this picture, there is a one-directional track going from NE to SW, thus a signal at the entrance only.  There is also a bidirectional track going from NW to SE (or the opposite).  In this case, two buffers for trains to give way if another train goes in the same bidirectional track:



    in reply to: Did Urban Games forgot about cross-tracks? #21227


    I tried a similar method than the first one suggested by isidoro but my trains got stuck at signals (I must still learn how to place signals correctly)… maybe that was the problem, but is it correct not to place signals just as isidoro did ? Shouldn’t signals be placed on all four tracks entering the junction ?

    I think that the correct way of doing the roundabout is the one I posted.  I assume that all the tracks are one-way.  We have four directions: NE, SE, SW, NW, each with an entrance track and a leaving track.  I also assume that trains drive on the right.  If you consider this, there are four one-way signals just in the four entrance tracks.

    That way you avoid a train just stopped at a signal and blocking the roundabout.  If trains are long, if stopped at a signal at the roundabout, they could block an exit and another train could come in and prepare a deadlock, I guess.

    The problem with both solutions is that if they are kept small, the speed limit is very low and the trains have to reduce their speed a lot when approaching the roundabout or the crossing.


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by isidoro.
    in reply to: Did Urban Games forgot about cross-tracks? #21219

    Have you tried this alternative?

    Or this other one (a roundabout, it occupies more space)?

    in reply to: Trouble With Cargo #21165

    That’s a bit unfair both to Steam and to Urban Games, in my opinion.

    Regarding Steam, I can see no difference in buying a game in Steam or in a store and get disappointed.  Neither will give your money back, and I’ve bought lots of games in stores with just as bad (if not badder) an experience as the one you mention in your post.

    Second, Train Fever is the best game I’ve played in the last few years, and keep playing it now (246 hours).  Even with the limitations.  If Urban Games makes another one, I’ll be first to buy it (if it runs in Linux, otherwise impossible).
    The support, specially in the past, was bad, though.  The community in German is another handicap.  But the stability of the game (no crash whatsoever for me) in such a complicated simulation is a plus.

    It used to be compared with Cities Skylines here, but the thing is that I’ve played 146 hours to CS.  Skylines is bells and whistles, nothing more deep or interesting as a simulation…

    in reply to: Trouble With Cargo #20799

    I had two lines with that same problem and eventually I got them to work again.

    If you open the window of the industry it will give you hint about why it’s not working, in the “details” tab (e.g. try to ship more goods, try to deliver more wood, etc.).

    I changed to quicker trains and that was the problem (even that with slower ones the lines were working before like a charm)…


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by isidoro.
    in reply to: Trouble With Cargo #20779

    I think the problem has something to do with the cargo packets lost.  If you enable the option in the bottom right menu labeled “Cargo”, cargo packets are shown and you can see them moving around to ride trains, etc.

    When you do some modifications, specially altering rail tracks, roads, etc., some of these packets are destroyed.  Since they don’t reach the intended destination, you’re punished and the working line starts anew.

    It may also happen that a working line, with just the same configuration (I don’t know why), won’t recover.  If we knew the exact mechanics of supply-demand in the game, we could, as players, do something about it…


    in reply to: Suggestions/Fixes #20778

    I’d just add a driver’s point of view.  Now the camera follows the train, but always look in the same direction.

    in reply to: Bug: cargo station with two tracks don't work #20744

    I’ve checked and, in fact, the issues I had have nothing to do with the number of tracks of a station.  So please excuse my post and ignore it.

    I’ve come to the conclusion that the problem is that the current model of TF makes industry links quite unstable.  You can have a fully working successful chain: wood->goods->city, but you do something: rebuild some track or a station, renew a train, etc. and some cargo packets are lost.  The chain immediately drops.  It can even never build up again.


    in reply to: Cargo trouble #20672

    I would add that you can switch on the “Cargo” option in the bottom right menu and you’ll see the cargo packets move around.  It’s useful when trying to guess where are cities, industries, etc. provided from.

    in reply to: Bug: cargo station with two tracks don't work #20662

    Thanks, Tom, for your quick answer.

    I’ll try to pinpoint the reason why they stop producing.  It’s strange since they started producing again when I changed the station back, but now they stopped again.  I have noticed that when building something, all the nearby packets disappear.  But the industry doesn’t produce back again.

    If I reach to a conclusion I’ll certainly post the save game.



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