Forum Replies Created
Member@CrashM1: the crash dump files suggest there’s a cargo type mod installed. Reinstalling the game should definitely fix this. Did you right-click on Train Fever (in the Steam library) and select “Delete Local Content…”? Can you try to reinstall and run the game with your anti-virus software disabled?
MemberWe’ve presumably identified the problem but are still working on a patch. On our test machine, we can work around the problem by disabling anti-aliasing in the menu (Settings > Graphics). Can you try if this works for you as well?
MemberWe are working on a solution for this problem. In the meantime, could you try to delete the file “settings.lua” and the directory “texture_cache” from your userdata folder (usually something like C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\{your user id}\304730\local)?
@DarthAlex87: you should be fine by using this driver:
MemberDid you get the driver directly from ATI/AMD? Please download the latest version here (if you haven’t already done so):
MemberIf the train is longer than the platform, junctions in front of the station can in fact be blocked. Also, loading and unloading will take longer. The platform length can be set when building the station (but probably not once the station is built).
MemberVom Spieler errichtete Gebäude können Arbeitsplätze zur Verfügung stellen und auch Einnahmen generieren (beispielsweise mit Ladenflächen). In welchem Ausmass dies geschieht, hängt in erster Linie vom Verkehrsaufkommen ab. In Bezug auf die Simulation werden die Gebäude grundsätzlich so behandelt wie andere auch, d.h. sie können durchaus die Entwicklung eines Quartiers beeinflussen; neue Städte werden aber wahrscheinlich nicht entstehen.
Infrastructure built by the player can provide jobs and also generate revenue. To what extent this happens primarily depends on the volume of traffic. With respect to the simulation, the player’s buildings are treated like ordinary buildings, so they can absolutely have an influence on the development of a quarter; however, there will probably not appear any new towns.
MemberThat’s correct, the maps are procedurally generated. The seed is usually a random number, but can also be set by the player. In the initial version, there won’t be a map editor, but we hope we can provide such a tool afterwards.
MemberYes, there will be a closed beta. We plan to involve the community in testing, but the details (schedule etc.) haven’t been worked out yet.
MemberFrom about 1905 onward, you can build railroad tracks both with and without catenary. It is also possible to provide existing tracks with a catenary.
As the first electric tram went into regular service in 1881, they will be available in the game earlier than trains.
MemberDas kommt natürlich darauf an, wo die Passagiere hinwollen und wo die Züge hinfahren. Grundsätzlich steigen die Passagiere in den Zug ein, der sie zum Ziel bringt. Das kann aber durchaus auch eine indirekte Verbindung (mit Umsteigen) sein. Wenn es mehrere Möglichkeiten von A nach B gibt, dann verteilen sich die Passagiere auf die verschiedenen Strecken, je nachdem wie “günstig” diese sind. Günstig ist dabei eine Mischung aus Fahrzeit, Frequenz/Takt, Preis, Anzahl Umsteigen usw.
This depends on where the passengers want to go to and where the trains are heading to. Basically, passengers board the train that brings them to their destination, either directly or indirectly (by changing trains). If there are several possibilities from A to B, passengers will use them according to a measure incorporating journey time, interval, fare, number of changes etc.
MemberNein, die Crowdfunding-Kampagne ist abgeschlossen. Da wir den Investoren Anteile am Verkaufserlös angeboten haben, können wir jetzt nicht einfach mehr Geld entgegennehmen. Dann würde jeder Einzelne ja weniger erhalten als abgemacht. Du kannst uns aber unterstützen, indem du deinen Kollegen von Train Fever erzählst und am Schluss das fertige Spiel kaufst 🙂
The crowdfunding campaign is completed. Because we’ve offered revenue shares to the investors, we can’t accept more money now. Otherwise, everyone would get less than what was agreed. You can of course support us by spreading the word and buying the final game 🙂
MemberWe plan to release five DLCs. The first will be available three months after the initial release. The exact content is not yet specified, but you can certainly expect new vehicles and buildings and maybe maps/scenarios.
MemberNo, it’s not totally out of question, but it’s not a top priority, since a similar behavior can be achieved with a group of stations/terminals/stops. Regarding modding, the exact specifications are yet to be defined, but it will at least be possible to create custom vehicles and tweak simulation parameters.
MemberIt will be possible to add platforms (parallel to the existing ones) to a station, but only within limits that depend on the station type. For example, a small station cannot have more than three platforms. Bus stops can be upgraded too, e.g. a simple stop can be provided with a turnout/bay.
Adjacent stations/stops can be grouped so that they’re treated as a single station. While this is essentially a hub, the station and terminal are not under one roof, i.e. their original building is retained. Shops and booth can’t be added directly, but the structures will generate revenue automatically as the number of passengers increases.
MemberIn the initial release, all tracks will have standard gauge. There will however be multiple track types (with different rail profiles, sleepers/ties etc.) that determine the maximum track speed and axleload. The availability of the types will change over time, e.g. high-speed tracks won’t be available in 1850.
When building tracks, the desired maximum speed can be set as a design parameter, so that the player can be warned if the curvature is too high. There will also be an appropriate data layer to reveal maximum speed and other track properties.