Railroad crossings (or where is the manual…)

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    I’ve got Trainfever on my mac, from steam. The game looks at a first glance like the perfect railroad simulation, but so far it’s been a tad frustrating.

    There is no manual (or if there is one, it’s not in an obvious place).

    There are links in the main menu to a “guide”, and a “walktrough”, but these links don’t do anything. I click on them. Nothing happens…

    So I managed to plop down my first station, only to be stopped when I attempted to cross a road with my railroad. So, how do you build a railroad crossing?



    I don’t know how Steam works in Mac, but on pc when you click guides and choose the subject, game opens Steam and the guide I chosed. Every guide is on Steam community pages by the way, you can find them there if the game don’t open them.

    Railroad crossings work simply when you drag the railroad across the road. It don’t work always, terrain might prevent that or nearby buildings. Could you take screenshot and show the problem?




    It’s all trial and error, this is what happens when we are asked to pay money to Beta test an unfinished product. However, there are forums like this and plenty of YouTube videos already to help but i’ll try myself if I can with these tips.

    1. Try to get an understanding of how the game ‘works’. All the pieces that fit together, are joined by things called ‘nodes’. These are invisible joins than cannot be crossed by anything else, either road or rail. The only way around this is to move the bit of track you are trying to place side to side until you get a clear indication that it is ok to proceed (the little arrow near the circle you have dragged the rail with will turn green). Also, angle is important. You pretty much need to be at 45deg or less to the road, 90deg is perfect, as too shallow an angle is bound to intersect one of those ‘nodes’.

    2. Do not place stations right up against roads in the first place. Always leave a reasonable gap between the end of the platform and any road you might have to cross. Usually, there will be a change in height between the two and you will get a ‘slope to high’ error message. Also, the further away you are from a road will give you much more room to play with to find a suitable crossing spot avoiding those ‘nodes’.

    3. Make use of the save feature. Sometimes, you can screw things up badly or even just not like the result, so when making major changes, do a save just before so you can go back without wasting your cash.

    4. Experiment, play around but do try different things. Behind the all the flaws is a great game, keep at it!

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by simonmd.

    The railroad crossings seem to work. The guides don’t but I can read them separately…

    Still a lot is not obvious.


    does anyone know why thr roads & railtracks work, I can`t lay either down

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