The Modding Excuse

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  • #21368

    Greetings everyone!

    I’ve noticed something with small and young companies such as Urban Games, Squad (Kerbal Space Program) is that they rely heavily on mods. Yes I know mods are a beautiful thing but I’ve noticed that it seems as if the base game is far too barren. It’s too complicated to go to a foreign language mod hub to download mods. Train Fever is a great game and I’ve logged over 300 hours on Steam, so don’t get me wrong. But I’ve seen time and time again the excuse of ‘there’s a mod for that’. If one person can implement a cool new feature then why does is it take so long for a whole team to do the same? UB said that they just released a “final patch” to the game and I’m like “What?!” There are so many bugs and missing features that can be removed/implemented. Why not implement some of the mods into the base game? I know the USA DLC was implemented, but what about the Nordic DLC? I thought they were going to do a day/night cycle? Why can we place lights if there is no night?! It makes no sense! They also need to add a freaking UPGRADE BUTTON to all the stations (train, tram, bus) instead of demolishing so many buildings and stations just to have the nice looking stations. One could simply say, then why bother upgrading? Then make the newer stations more useful, maybe a higher passenger capacity, more tracks, etc.
    I really hope their next game is an improvement on this one and taking our advice. You guys aren’t stubborn like some of the other devs out there where they completely ignore their community. This is just something I’ve noticed.
    So please stop relying on mods to make the game better.

    I ain’t even mad! 😉


    • This topic was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by SanditeChief.
    • This topic was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by SanditeChief.
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