Reply To: What I'm not liking so far seen in these videos and other questions

Home Forums General Discussion What I'm not liking so far seen in these videos and other questions Reply To: What I'm not liking so far seen in these videos and other questions


I’m pretty sure the rail/road crossing complaints are all going to be addressed to your liking – “Cars” are supposed to stop at the crossings, sound is intended to play from the crossing and trains should always sound their whistle at such a time.

As for the stations – I’m with you there. The number of times I’ve accidentally placed down a Passenger station at a factory is starting to grind my teeth a bit. ^^

I’m not sure exactly how many additional industries the devs have planned, but I hope it’s a lot. More car designs wouldn’t hurt either so that goods and lumber don’t share a wagon (as nifty as it is for my trains)