Reply To: Switches, crossings and signals

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My biggest disappointment next to the fixed platform usage is this:

The passing loops work like on the picture in TF. Each track should have one direction, also the signaling looks unrealistic.

In OpenTTD you could do the realistic layout, and both tracks could be used in both directions.


In OpenTTD i was using 2 type of signals:

-one directional path signal which can be passed from both directions, but affected only those trains that come from the signals’s direction, to make uni directional tracks.

– one directional path signal, with passing restriction (only can be passed from the signal direction, but not from the other direction), to make one way tracks.

With these two signals you could do any layout with efficient track usage.

The problem is, the first type is missing, instead you have a signal that can be passed from both directions, but affects trains coming from both directions, there is no such thing in reality, as it’s useless.

Implementing that signal would make TF work like OpenTTD… but the best would be, if TF would have a deadlock processing algorithm, that looks the path not just until the next signal, but the next possibility of passing the other train, which would make possible to make multiple signal blocks on single tracks between the passing loops.

  • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by disconnect.
  • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by disconnect.