Dock Selection

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  • #16542

    Hello support,

    Please, can you add my request in your “to do” list ?

    When you make lines using stops with multiple docks, we’ve no option selecting the dock to be used by our line.

    I have some big bus stop with 4 docks and while 4 bus lines are driving into it, they all use the same dock.


    I take it you mean the bus stations? If so, I’d recommend scrapping them as they can only hold a certain amount of passengers (no limit for those on the street) and you can only assign one stop to a line.


    I take it you mean the bus stations? If so, I’d recommend scrapping them as they can only hold a certain amount of passengers (no limit for those on the street) and you can only assign one stop to a line.

    bus stations and truck stations. dock selection is needed for both.

    I note the limit for the amount of passengers in big bus stop (I wasn’t aware of this limitation) ==> Should be good to have a manual from the devs with all these details that you’ve to learn by trial-and-error method.

    How come you say “you can only assing one stop to a line” ? I assign more than one line to my bus stops.

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