having start error too…

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    It’s a month I’m playing without problems. Yesterday I tried for the first time to use the TF game manager to handle mods. Launched the game manager, activated some mods and then tried to start the game… it did not start!! I see the loading circle for some sec and nothing more happens. Tried more times but still nothing. Sometimes I find a Train Fever process running in background and in that case steam tells me the game is running, but it isn’t. Tried to update graphic drivers, to disable all mods, to verify the game cache, to disable antivirus run time scan, to disable the firewall and to run as admin, but still nothing. Also downloaded again the game via steam.
    My specs are Intel I5-4440, geforce gtx650, win 8.1.
    Any idea what happened and how to fix this? Pls help


    Before re-downloading it from Steam, have you deleted the local content manually?

    What error do you get, when you try to start a game?

    Could you please post your steam profile link, so we can see if there are any crash_dumps regarding your problem? 


    Hi Mikael,

    I uninstalled the game and deleted only the game folder found in /steamapps/common, then I reinstalled and downloaded again.

    The error is that the game simply does not start, when i click on Play in steam I get for some seconds the mouse pointer as loading circle and nothing more. As I wrote, I checked the windows task manager and sometimes I found a “train fever” process running in background, but that’s all.

    my profile is at http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198008271047/

    thx for your help 🙂


    Build 5565. Spiel stürzt ab bei 69%, keine Fehlermeldung. PreventSetUnhandledExceptionFilter: 1
    locale name: * (de_DE.utf8)

    Startup at Thu Apr 02 20:31:25 2015

    seed: 1427999485
    alpha: 0 bits, depth: 0 bits, stencil: 0 bits, double buffering: 1, sample buffers: 0, samples: 0, swap interval: 1
    samples: 0

    OpenGL version: 3.2.0 NVIDIA 347.25
    Renderer (vendor): GeForce GT 740M/PCIe/SSE2 (NVIDIA Corporation)
    Shading language version: 1.50 NVIDIA via Cg compiler


    opened device OpenAL Soft

    Loading from file C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/193919096/304730/local/save/apr98.sav
    active mods:
    config dict:
    fileFilters:model/vehicle: all
    terrain: default
    fileFilters:model/tree: all
    fileFilters:building: all
    fileFilters:street: default
    environment: usa
    fileFilters:multipleUnit: all
    savegame version 10
    achievements earnable: 0
    d:\urban\steam_build_x64\release\src\game\ecs\simpersonatterminalsystem.cpp:72: ecs::SimPersonAtTerminalSystem::EntityAdded: Assertion `spat.place >= 0 && spat.place < (int)edgeInfo.places.size()’ failed.
    MinidumpCallback: dumpPath “C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/193919096/304730/local/crash_dump/”, minidumpId “32041d55-ddc7-44c1-9d71-d21c8d6eb267”, succeeded 1
    local time is Thu Apr 02 20:33:55 2015




    Es ist schon unglaublich. Man wendet sich direkt an den Support und auch nach zwei Tagen keine Antwort. Nach update 5565 haben mehrere Nutzer das Problem mit Abstürzen beim Laden des Spiels. Eine Antwort wie “wir untersuchen das Problem, haben aber noch keine Lösung” ist wohl das Mindeste was man erwarten darf. Schade wie die Fans eines an sich tollen Spiels vergrätzt werden.



    We’re not yet sure why your error occurs, but to solve your problem, locate the settings.lua file in your Steam userdata folder and delete it.

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\<user-number>\304730\local\


    Hier in der Schweiz hatten wir Feiertage, deswegen war fast keiner am Arbeitsplatz. Dein Problem ist ein bekanntes, wir arbeiten an einer Lösung, welche mit dem nächsten Patch veröffentlicht wird.


    That worked thx


    Habe das Spiel neu installiert. Konnte bis 1892 auch weitgehend fehlerfrei spielen (1 Absturz),doch nun erneut Crash beim laden (68%). In eurer vorigen Antwort vom 7. April ist von einem Patch zur Lösung des Problems die Rede. Habt ihr einen Update ?



    Für dieses Problem wird es sehr bald einen Patch geben (voraussichtlich nächste Woche).

    English: Very soon there will a patch for the problem / crash described by peycke (most likely next week).

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