The game doesn't load my save games

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  • #12781

    The game usually loads only one in spite of I am making three save game after every gaming.. but now I can’t load the newest save games… I don’t use new modes or anything else. I just built some new truck and bus lines…

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by brunna.
    • This topic was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by brunna.
    • This topic was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by brunna.

    Hi brunna,

    Your crash is caused by a missing matConfig parameter in a model file. Probably you’ll have a vehicle that does cause the crash and is only in this save-file. The crash only occurs when the vehicle is actually present in the map.

    Did you have any modded vehicle present in your savegame?


    Hi Mikael!


    I could load one of my save game but only for about the tenth time… And I could play the game but I’m interested to see what is causing this. ( I think the reason is not a mod because then I couldn’t load the game after a lot attempt) (But I use a lot of vehicle mod)

    I have a strong PC and when I can play the game than I have good FPS and I can play without any problems (except for one problem! : I need a lots of attempt (and time) when I want to play the game.)


    We’ve seen that you have a matConfig error, that means a .mdl or .grp file does have more meshes than matConf parameters. The next Patch will ignore those errors. For now you could try to find out what mod causes the crash if you buy every vehicle once and send it to a lane. It only crashes when sending the vehicle on a lane.


    My save games work fine with the new patch ! Thank You!

    Nice work!


    i had made huge empire in this game and saved it as “all” and there is no mod installed in this game and i have tryed to load that for  10 times but it is not loading and not responding at all i am really sad because of this

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