Transfers freight/people

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    I was wondering if freight could be transfered from one train to an other.

    For example:

    I have a 2 coalmines on 2 different locations (with both a station) which transfers the coal to a station in the middle of nowhere (Say station X) . The delivery X is done by a train of course.

    And a other train is bringing the coal from X to the city.

    Kind Regards,



    Mmm theoretically I think it’s possible because I think there’s an ‘Unload All’ option to add to a line, I’m not sure though because I don’t owe the Beta and never payed attention to it. This was in fact an option in Transport Tycoon.


    I’d like to know this too ? … is possible to varius trains drops cargo in some mid station and other trains pick it up and transport ti to final destination?




    I have been wondering myself… but since it looks like passengers transfer from bus to train and from one train to another without specifying any unload commands I assume cargo would behave the same!?

    Besides, cargo is programmed to take the fastest route possible, that means that when necessary it could switch lines. However, I am not sure if you get to say at which stations the line switch happens. If this is true, with some clever planning you could create transfer stations similar to the ones in OTTD.

    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by Andu.

    Mmm theoretically I think it’s possible because I think there’s an ‘Unload All’ option to add to a line, I’m not sure though because I don’t owe the Beta and never payed attention to it. This was in fact an option in Transport Tycoon.

    Actually I hoped that this is done automatically, same as in reallife, when I go from a to b its possible I switch trains multiple times. This way I could get my cities a lot cleaner and also safe me some in game money 🙂


    If this isn’t in the game i’ll switch back to cities in motion. Nothing more fun to build huge transfer stations with multiple lines connected.


    Have to see how the game handles it, but I’ve heard the same as others have mentioned – freight and passengers will plan their own routes, and if the quickest route to a destination involves taking two different trains, they will.

    If it genuinely works that way, it should be a rather elegant system.  If your two-stage route isn’t being utilized, it’ll be down to not having planned it efficiently enough, or not having realised that a better alternative exists, rather than from not having configured it correctly.


    yes freight and passengers will transfer trains if they need to be at another destination.


    There’s no unload command – The train will simply drop off the goods at each station as they are demanded. Everything has a specific destination in mind when you pick it up.


    Hi reijnemans,

    I just saw a similar scenario yesterday in Zwerg Tube’s video series, which is in German. I believe it’s number 22 or 23? He connects a second oil source via road vehicles to a rail station which was already carrying oil from a different oil source to a refinery. The newly connected source was not delivering oil anywhere (presumably it was too far away to even deliver anything on foot) and eventually was running full production. Now, oil was being carried from the source to the rail station and waiting at the station to be carried by train to the refinery. So two things happened: by connecting the  refinery with a bus freight line to the freight train station, the delivery time of the oil was reduced enough to make production start up again. This required the software to recognize that a transfer of goods at a station as part of the path as necessary. I don’t see why this same process wouldn’t occur for an all rail network.

    Hope that helps!


    I guess that if the time that coal takes to reach the destination, even with the “changing train” on its way, is less than that required to move it “on foot” to the nearest target industry, then it should work. However, if it takes too much waiting time in the middle station and the final target is an industry far away, it might prefer to still move it on foot


    Hi all

    Thanks for the reactions, I have another question about freight, (maybe i should open a new topic, but because we’re already talking about freight).

    I was wondering if the freight always searches the nearest possible location.

    For eaxample:

    If I’ve an oil depot,  city A (right next to the oil depot) and city B (that’s far away), will the oil be transported  to both cities? While both cities are consuming oil, and both cities have a railway to the oildepot. Or will it only be transported to city A will this is the nearest to the oil depot?

    I like to let one city (the smallest one on the map) grow as much as possible

    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by reijnemans.

    That’s a good question! Again, speaking only from what I have seen in Beta Let’s plays (watched all of them);

    I believe cargo travels to every connected destination as long as there is a demand for that specific cargo and the time of travel is “acceptable”.  This is why if you have an oil source right next to an oil refinery the oil will walk there since the time of travel is short enough. How the acceptable time is calculated I cannot yet say. Over time, the cargo production increases to meet demand.

    Hope it helps and that I am correct. A few more hours and we will know for sure! 🙂


    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by Andu.

    Hope it helps and that I am correct. A few more hours and we will know for sure!

    Yeah, still have to wait to long before I’am able to play the game (about 9 hours)

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