Home Forums General Discussion WHY TRAIN FEVER

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    It should be called road fever why because if you build road transport and intercity buses it will make money in no time and your loads will remain the same. But if you build a railway at first your passengers will increase but before long they will start to decline and your tains will start losing money and every time you renew your trian there will be no passengers for it to pickup even though you had plenty of passengers when you put your train into the depot to renew it



    Not really. I am now running a map where i want to reach the train fever steam achievment (use only trains until 2000). I started it with the max loan of 10 million, turned my first profitable year in 1853, was out of debt in 1857, reached the 100 million mark before 1900 and reaching an income of 100 million daily by 1950 by only moving passengers by train.

    How you build the initial railroads however is important. connect 4 or 5 towns with 2 railways, put enough trains on the line to reach an interval between trains of approx. 5-6 minutes and give every train 8 to 10 cars. Any more and those early locs won’t be able to pull the train up a hill, any less and the trains will fail to become/remain profitable


    You’re doing it wrong.

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