Wow! Did a test. Interesting. Now need mod help

Home Forums Modding Wow! Did a test. Interesting. Now need mod help

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    I needed to find out why hard was so different from easy. I thought running costs. Nope exactly the same. I thought property maintenance. Nope exactly the same. I set up one town exactly the same on hard and easy with all things as close to being the same as possible for a simple passenger test with a bus. The result was interesting. On easy after one year the bus line made 25k income and on hard it made 6k, all the other numbers on easy were exactly the same as hard (well loan interest was the same but 30k on 3million and 30k on 1.2 million is obviously a huge difference in interest charged 🙂 So now I would like to know if Gwinda or some equally fabulous modder can make a mod to adjust the income a passenger generates on the different levels or at least direct me to the file so I can attempt to adjust it. I just want to change the amount a passenger generates on a bus and tram line late game because on hard you simply can’t generate a profit on most lines and a slight boost would make the game much better in that aspect (well for me anyway). Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

    Traian Trante

    Try Gwinda’s Cost Mod. . It’s not EXACTLY what you are looking for, but you can adjust the maintenance costs to suit your wishes.


    Yeah I have had that Mod for a long time. Simply cutting the cost of maintenance from 20000 to 10000 isn’t doing it for me 🙁 Oh well. Will have to do I guess. Modding, support from developers, game play hours (from most players I know) in general are all slowly falling away. Hoping they do something to keep the game going, but I think they are just going to move on to TF2.

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