Suggestions/Fixes Megathread

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  • #12867

    Speaking of weather changes – I did something like that in Transport Empire – when I still worked on it:


    Balancing Suggestions

    I’m playing a hard game and I think with a few balance changes it would be much more fun.

    Choosing the right amount and type of vehicles for each line to be profitable is a central part of this game. Its a major point of appeal as it satifies a sort of “rolling stock fetish”. The german word “Bahnsexuell” is most appropriate here ;-).

    Especially on hard games though, it feels messed up:

    -The only profitable passenger transport is intercity bus and tram lines. Even the cheap railbus, wich is for “less profitable branch lines”, racks up huge deficits in spite of >90% occupancy rate.

    -Intercity tram and bus lines are extremely profitable and lead to very large population growth. This feels overpowered, compared to railway lines.

    -Instead of being about finding the sweetspot of the right mix of passenger transport capacity and frequency, it becomes a game of building as much cargo and intercity tram and bus lines as possible and not too many railway lines at the same time.


    A few ideas that might offset this imbalance:

    -Lines with a certain occupancy rate should be profitable, period.

    -Increase the cost (in hard games) of buying new, “shiny and powerful” vehicles, make it more of a reward to own one of the great fast trains.

    -Trains accelerate slowly, compared to trams and buses. Together with the shrunk distances on the map (compared to reality), the simulation underestimates the advantage of trains over trams and buses, when running them over larger distances. Also the duration for passengers to get to the railway station, wait for the train, board it and repeat the same at the destination, takes too long when compared to the actual journey on the train.

    -A comfort bonus (maybe as a time budget bonus?) for using modern and not too overcrowded trains might me included. I’m sure any frequent train traveler would agree with me, that it absolutely is the most comfortable form of transportation.


    Thanks all!
    – Updated first post.
    – Added some of my new suggestions, too
    – Added an *easy* keyword for devs to better navigate via this big list (if they would ever see it)

    Keep the suggestions coming! The more alive this thread is, the more chances for devs to notice it.I will also search the forum again for existing ones


    I already posted these suggestions some months ago.

    I would like to have implemented in the game:

    – a project tracks tool for planning tracks in segments with more precision, with a “confirm” button to actually build them when the project is done.

    – a mini-map with several filters for showing lines, cities, resources etc.

    – a map/terrain editor

    game missions (connect cities, transport a certain number of passengers/cargo, build a certain number of lines, purchase a certain number of vehicles, etc.)

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Neldot.

    I made this suggestions earlier in ‘Losing interest in Train Fever:
    – Cargo should be time undependant

    – One or two raw material spawn points. Same for factory’s

    – Factories should produce different kind of goods and a city should demand more kind of goods.

    – Public transport also dependant on price and traffic jams

    – No time limit for leisure and shopping traffic. This should be dependant on the attractivity of the city.


    One suggestion I have:

    make vehicles available only in a certain amount, especially new vehicles. E.g. a new tram is available it will be produced in x items per months, so like after the first month maybe 5 items are available. The same could happen when blueprints getting old so their availibility decreases.

    This way one can’t replace all dozen of trams in different cities at once and vehicles would become part of strategy where one might decide to have them run longer (maybe on not so important lines) to have enough vehicles available.



    Admiral: What do you mean by spawn points? Like, the player could build them? or… that one would be automatically built one after a few decades?

    flth: Are you sure? It seems to me that real companies buy vehicles in “fleets”. i.e. I’m from Hungary and the Budapest public transport company has just bought like 100 Mercedes buses.


    (Updated first post again)


    @Tarc: and they got them delivered all instantly and at once? I would wonder 🙂


    Tarc: What do you mean by spawn points? Like, the player could build them? or… that one would be automatically built one after a few decades?

    Sorry, I wrote it a little bit confusing. I just meant there should be less (medium map), 1 or 2, oil wells and mines. Just like  in RL where not every town has their own oil-fields and they need to ship it in form the middle-east. If the time and production limit for raw materials is removed you can run very long and many lines from the same supply. Should be awesome.


    Here’s my suggestion. A Mixed train station, that’s more expensive both to build and mantain, but that can accomodate both freight and passangers. Sort of 4 lines, 2 of them for passangers, 2 others for freight traffic.


    @flth I have an idea about your suggestion. It would improve realism and make the player life easier if the vechicles could be still bought all at once (100 for example), but be released in groups (4 at a time for example), so the player could replace an entire line at once, but vehicles would automatically be spaced, and not released all together, simulating different time of deliver by the manufacturer…


    @flth “and they got them delivered all instantly and at once? I would wonder :)

    In a few days’ time.
    In your example (5 a month) it would take 20 months ~2 years to get a hundred buses.

    However, in game time, 1 month is like a minute, so releasing 5 wouldn’t even come with a significant delay

    (Btw I did put such a suggestion in the first topic, similar)

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Tarc.

    More Trees!

    Option to add many more trees e.g. 10x current amount of trees. I think it would really make the maps and tracks look a lot better. User configurable so on a low performance system it can be set to the current level.


    Dependency ideas:

    1. Dependency for Electric Line = Industry chain of ‘Coal -> Power Station’

    2. Dependency for High Speed Rail = Industry chain to Steel Mill

    3. Dependency for Diesel Trains = Oil -> Oil Refinery

    This I believe would be relatively easy to implement and would give the game a bit more challenge and depth. It would make the three industry chains important and provide interesting challenges due to the random spread of resources.

    You could expand the idea by having an initial chain support ‘x’ =e.g. 20 trains. e.g. if there are four power stations on the map 1/4 = 20, 2/4 = 40, 3/4 = 60, 4/4 = All (All instead of a number due to an unknown amount of trains implemented by a user).


    [updated first post with latest ideas, shortened some text]


    Added about 10 more ideas to first post

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