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  • in reply to: How to keep distance between trains ?? #10651

    Place 2 trains, one on A->B and other on B->C, stop them at the station and then release them at the same time (you can do it on each train info window). Check them and when one of them (hopefully A-B since its shorter) is nearing station, stop them again. Then you will place a signal on the spot the train that has not reached the station stopped (B-C).

    It wont be 100% perfect, but it will provide a “close approximation”, given both trains run at same speed and you dont have huge slow-down areas (close sharp turns or huge elevations) on any given track.

    in reply to: Need: Offload Instruction at Stations #9953

    It might not be the best solution, but you could sever the road that links the sawmill to the town (but without deleting the road to the station), so it forces to stop delivering goods from the station to the town. Other solution would be to optimize the other town’s goods supply, so it becomes a better goods offer than the sawmill is providing (and thus stopping the problem at hand).

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by osito2dancer.
    in reply to: No Line usage for Goods stations? #9704

    To see if an industry is getting goods out of the oven, enable the “Goods” checkbox from the layered icon (bottom right). If it is doing it, check where does the cargo go, and see why it is not using your roads. Also, did you check that the carriage is correct for your goods? I once confused an iron/ore carriage with a woods/goods carriage for a couple of years, so it might happen.

    in reply to: oil and goods #9703

    I am currently feeding 4 cities from one oil refinery (at X/200 prod) with trucks, which itself is feeded from 3 oil mines (at X/100 prod each) with trucks, with 3 minute frequency and there are no issues about it.

    RickD stole my reply before i posted it: Check that your connected city is not getting goods from somewhere else that’s faster, since the main motivation for every industry is to get goods fast and within the 20 minute limit. I had a city that was feeding itself from a close steel mine (by itself), but stopped production the minute i connected it to my oil refinery (and gave it a <5min frequency).

    in reply to: Combined Logistics #8054

    I wanted to test a thing when i get back on the game: Trucks cannot get loads from train stations, but can’t you group a train station and a truck stop? Like a joint hub, like with passengers (who take a train from one to another city, then move around the city with buses)

    Or if you can’t, cannot you put a truck stop just a couple of spaces from a train stop, and let the AI do the handling between the station and the stop? Like a manual lay-over from the station to a truck stop across the street.

    Will try it, lets see what happens.

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