Losing interest in this game

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    I have read all your posts, it took me a while.

    The point what you are missing is that you have paid around 30$ for a “basic” game.

    Lots of problems are self-made because you are trying to do thinks what the game-engine cant handle or let say it this way “thought to be” made for.
    For all things what is causing you trouble there are a work-around´s (Tip’s & Tricks), as well modifications to improve game-play and mechanics.

    If you want further more do it by yourself, because it is not the responsibility from the Dev´s if this is not a bug.


    Kiwi, is there a workaround for people staying on the trains at the end of the line? That’s a bug. No work around.

    Is there a work around for all these stupid and annoying collisions that often seem to happen for no good reason at all? No, there isn’t.

    The player shouldn’t be having to look for “work arounds”.

    The player shouldn’t have to fix what the dev made. I paid $35 for a working game. It’s buggy the performance is questionable, features have been left out, and the game is simply poorly made.




    What does it mean poorly made?

    Some promises are not delivered? I dont think so.

    Curent game development is not an easy task, even experienced publishers with teams of 100 man have issues.

    Just look at Rome 2 by Creative assembly, they have 150 man workin on a game for 2 years. They have released a 60 eur piece which was not useable at all. More over, gameplay was inferior to the one shown on a presentation. Those who preorder have feeling they were robbed. Even after a year of patching the game is not as good as promised

    Train fever has issues. Yes, there is a team of 5 guys who is working on improvement. True is that they do not communicate very good with us, the customers.

    another think is, number of sales.

    The game had peak 3500 players on the release day. From that time it goes down to current 600. Progress is constant. Therefore about January we will have about 50 addicts players per day.

    I think, that team should fix something in 2 weeks, then start campaign for Train fever 2

    Looking forward.


    are you touched?

    You think they should work on this for a total of 2 more weeks then start the sequel? That’s just a whole new level…

    we’re here talking about this game, right now. Not some other company and some other game. The changes they need to make really shouldn’t be overly hard. A couple of small changes would really open the game up. Changing the code so that cities only accept “goods” would be a start. This would allow player created industry chains.

    There are several bugs and track/road building seriously needs cleaning up.

    Some promises are not delivered? I dont think so.

    I’ve already linked to where they described additional signalling types and implied dynamic switching as a result. That’s not in the game. They even mailed that around to people back in September just after the game was released.

    Here is a list I made somewhere of the current issues

    • 20 minute rule – it needs to be addressed. They need to stay on until the end, but then a “don’t take this route again” flag or something.
    • replacing vehicles (I spent 1 hour updating about half my lines yesterday to replace all the aged trams)
    • dynamic track switching.
    • upgrading train stations
    • double forks
    • 4 way train crossings
    • roads over tracks
    • upgrading roads over tracks
    • road upgrades broken half the time (sometimes you can’t upgrade the road with the tram tool, but if you choose road upgrade for the same road and say “tram tracks yes” it’ll place it. They should be identical..)
    • terrain collisions for roads and tracks
    • Train running costs are way out of whack. I modded mine, but the defaults are shit and make no sense.
    • on the fly train upgrades or industries that are more tolerant of a train going to depot. If you have one train running a line, and you need to upgrade it, when you send it to the depot the industry loses its mind. “OMG THE TRAIN HAS STOPPED RUNNING FOR 2 SECONDS SEND EVERYTHING BY FOOT!!!!!!!!!!”
    • there is some broken pathfinding going on on passengers. I’ve got people staying on at the end of the line who have no business staying on a train. Doesn’t make any sense. (wherever they got on there are multiple trains running each direction so there is no reason for them to ride around to the end and back to the station they got on)
    • much better city development. It’s pretty chaotic now, and if you try to plan it out, then you have to pay for all the roads (but get no income off them like say property tax for houses attached to them)

    So yeah, if they suddenly started working on the sequel I wouldn’t be wasting my money on it.






    Doing a sequel is a bad idea the moment. Train fever is very much salvageable but a lot of improvements are in order, the list by crossmr would be a good start. These things can be fixed in a patch, no need to build a completely new game for it.

    The thing is, games like Train Fever probably never will have the kind of massive popularity like RTW2 or other major releases but it has potential for a very long lasting playability (just look at OpenTTD or more recently, Cities in Motion 1, they are both still popular). This can help to generate sales (from both the main game and possible DLCs) for years to come if the game is patched to a level where it’s worth buying and playing.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by Viljainen.


    As I said, the problem is sitting in front of the monitor not understanding the game mechanics.

    Usually playing the game you will notice what you can do and what not. If you try to do this your way all over again, than read my first sentence again.

    90% of your demand is not necessary to play the game as it is to have fun with.


    Some promises are not delivered? I dont think so.

    I can also comment on this as being wrong. I read that they were going to release manuals for the game soon after the release as well as manuals for modding things in the game and have yet to see them in the almost 2 months since the release.

    The whole thing is a guessing game. The only thing that is anywhere close to a manual is what you get when generating a new map and/or when you hit F1. I’ve bought many computer games in my time with computers and not one of them did not come with some sort of  manual. So this small team called Urban Games is not keeping their word to their customers.

    I have emailed Basil Weber for help with a mod I was working on and he replied more than once which is better than most Devs that won’t even think about answering user emails. So they get a HUGE +1 from me for that. And I do believe they will make the game better in the future. It’s just not there yet and I will wait for it to be better because I think the game can be the best transport game made out of all of them. I just wish it was a little bit better to keep my interest in it. I’m not big on the passenger aspect of these games. I play them more for the cargo aspect of them and I know of many others that are like me. But with that said, I won’t pay more than once for what should have been included in the first place like some have suggested to do with DLCs. Screw that. I don’t have it like that. If I was working it might be different but not with what I get from disability a month to live on.

    EDIT: I should also add that I’ve only play the original Transportation Tycoon and Locomotion. I have tried TTD and OpenTTD but not long until I got into Locomotion. so I can’t say whether this is better than them all because I haven’t played them all. I wish I did so I know how the others are but I got out of computers for like 7-8 years prior to 2009.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by Tattoo.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by Tattoo.

    As I said, the problem is sitting in front of the monitor not understanding the game mechanics.

    Usually playing the game you will notice what you can do and what not. If you try to do this your way all over again, than read my first sentence again.

    90% of your demand is not necessary to play the game as it is to have fun with.

    And more desperate fanboism blaming the user. The problem is in front of A monitor..not in front of my monitor though. Broken pathfinding, horrible collisions, the inability to build a road over a rail, these are all my fault are they? Pull your head out of the developer’s backside.



    I also kinda lost interest, stopped playing some time ago.

    Still fire it up every once in a while to look at the trains.

    I do listen the sountrack often though 🙂


    This game needs to be thinked.

    It is NOT a game to push buttons only.


    If you do not like to think choose another game.


    This game needs to be thinked.

    It is NOT a game to push buttons only.

    If you do not like to think choose another game.

    The constant fanboy condescending tone isn’t helping your case. No one said anything about that at all. You’re just making up strawmen to justify your bristling.


    The game isn’t so bad for me that I stopped playing, however it is below my expectations.

    Issues that you cant lay roads over tracks or cant upgrade a station doesn’t really bother me. At a new game I make a minimap and plan my network for the entire map before even start building.  So most of the time, I don’t need to upgrade a station and the same for roads. I already did it early in the game before the trains start running.

    However the time limit thing is more annoying. A large map is no fun because you end with city to city traffic just as a small map. No-one is willing to ride your train from one end of the map to the other. Even it’s a big city with lots of leisure facilities. For commuters it’s good, but in the real world you will take the train to go to that soccer match or concert even it’s hours away from your home. They need to fix that.

    Even more of a shame is that travelling is only dependant on fking time and traffic jams aren’t even calculated. In RL  the reasons to consider public transport are:

    – It is cheaper (except holland :)).

    – It is faster because of numerous traffic jams in and around the city. Which make buses and trams faster because of there ‘private’ roads

    Since this is nowhere in the code it is impossible to compete with carsPublic transport always take you to a place you don’t want to be on a time you don’t want to. Luckily half of the town is not connected with each other by roads. If there were highways al over the place, no way you’d make any dollar with public transport.

    For cargo it’s even more nonsense. First problem is again the 20 minutes rule in my opinion. If that’s true the middle east would still be riding on camels and they still be slaughtering each other with sticks and stones instead of tanks and AK 47’s. No one would buy there oil. Unfortunately it’s one of the few places where you are surrounded by oil. In train fever however every city has there own oil fields, wood factory’s and coal mines. The only reason to use trains for goods transport is because it’s nice to see them rolling trough the fields.  The distances are too short to make a train more effective than trucks.

    Raw material’s are also converted to goods. I always thougth there are more kinds of goods. A carpentry needs wood and a power plant needs oil. There’s is again no need to use more than 3 or 4 factorys to suplly all of your cities. It’s the one thing SimCity 5 did really good. Because every city had it own resources you could make a very nice economy in the region. Also the only good thing at SimCity 5 :).  Only the main cities have cargo suplly to help them grow faster and attract more people.

    My suggestions (besides from building roads over tracks)

    – Cargo time undependant

    – One or two raw material spawn points. Same for factory’s

    – Public transport also dependant on price and traffic jams

    – No time limit for leisure and shopping traffic. This should be dependant on the attractivity of the city.

    However I still play the game. You have much more freedom than in CIM2 and the mod support combined with excellent graphics keeps me playing. However if the economy and transit system isn’t gonna be improved, I dont think I’ll still be playing it over a couple of months.


    @ Tattoo

    If there was a manual should you use it? I do always skip the tutorial aka manual. If you need to know anything there’s google and fora. Let them focus on more important things and please stop whining about that they didn’t keep their word because there isn’t a fucking manual. The fanboys here are frustrating indeed, the same for haters.


    I gave it a go, and indeed: “there could have been so much more in it”. It’s playable, but barely (I’m not talking about the core of the game, that’s good-ish, but the VERY annoying shortcomings like the aforementioned collisions, updating equipment, lack of more flexible track functions,…)

    What I think is priority:

    – sort out the “collision/pillar collision/level crossings” issues that there are. The “can’t lay road over railroad”-issue is annoying, but not game-breaking… The collisions are!

    – invest time/resources in more flexible/easier to use methods of crossing railroad tracks (Double/Outside slip, real X-shaped crossovers, level junctions), and make it possible to place easier flying junctions instead of having to build enormous bridges/tunnels at almost a straight angle to be able to cross because of the pillar/collision issues. Example, you drag your railway over another, and there is a popup which let you choose the crossing/junction you like (and laying the elevated junction automatically (with correct clearance height) if there is enough room).

    Shed management: a single popup window that gives you a control panel for all locomotive sheds you have. And a simple button that says “replace/update trains”, so you can buy trains, press the button, and the worn out train gets called to the shed automatically, and when it has arrived, the new one picks up the current route (in terms of coding it shouldn’t be to hard, the route/stops information is already coded for the elder train, that info is just transferred to the new one), with an option to “upgrade when available”, which lets a shed automatically upgrade worn-out trains with contemporary (if available, otherwise the same, but new) locomotives.
    (same applies for busses/trucks/trams)

    Further suggestions:

    The aforementioned better layout of raw resources/industries, which make it worth to lay traintracks (less but bigger mines, remove the timelimit for (raw) goods, and impose a “weight/roadsegment”-limit, so the time isn’t the bottleneck, but the road is. Invest in better roads to upgrade production, or invest in a train (which can carry heavier loads than trucks can).

    A more thorough goods-system. Why no shunting/switchyards at several towns (as a result of the fewer mines/factories), so you can have trains running between the factories and yards, and have seperate trains running between the yards and the other towns (so you pick up goods from factory A, which sends them to yard Y. At yard Y they get split up on 2 trains, one heading for town M and one to town Q.)


    After playing the game for 318 hours, I must agree that the economy system and the 20 minutes rule, that initially seemed so interesting and new, are severely broken. The game economy is just not suited for trains, in a game called Train Fever.

    Sure, you can work with it when you understand how it works, and I did it making a lot of money on hard level, but to me it constantly feels like exploiting/cheating, not like playing a real transport simulation…

    I have lost interest in playing too, and at the moment, apart from all the bugs and the performance issues that are still present, I believe that the whole game economy (and citizens management) should be reconsidered and rebalanced to keep the players interested.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by Neldot.

    Big +1 on the last post. It seems like a valid bottomline for this thread.
    This already inredible game should combine OpenTTD/Locomotion logic, pathing and economy, and cover it with gorgeous, awesome graphics totally open for modding.
    I think the second part is done. Let’s fix the first one, and make it the best railroad tycoon ever!

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