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  • in reply to: Signaling: what can i do with path signals in stations? #9030

    I think have find the whole secret regarding signalling. In Train Fever the a.i. of the program takes care of placing all the exit signals. Exit signals are invisible placed every where where they are needed. The exit signals are build at the end of the station platforms, where a train leave a depot and on the switches too! The exit signals om the switch works in all the 3 switch directions. The automatic placed invisible exit signals are never one way signals. A one way signal allows only the passage of trains driving in the direction of the front side of the signal, the passage from the back side of a one way signal is not possible. The two ways signals controls also only train traffic that is driving in the direction of the front side of the signal, they but do not prevent the passage of train traffic from the signal back side.

    The signals you can place manually are in Train Fever only meant to act as entrance (enter) signals. These can also useful placed at the begin of a station platform, this to direct one way train traffic into your station. The signalling system works only flawless if you place signals before a train enters an area, thus on a spot just before a switch, and never at a spot just after a train passed a switch because that is the place where in the real world the exit signals are placed. The manually placed signals co-operate with the by the a.i. placed exit signals. This means also that when the last wagon of a train drives over a switch it is the invisible exit signal belonging to that switch that sets the relevant by you manually placed entrance signals to green light. What these relevant entrance signals are is based on the route (definite by its line) a train drives. So the game a.i. acts as a self-reliant signalman.

    One of the most important things you need know that the a.i. always makes the choice for the fastest (shortest) connection.. if nothing else is determined by the player. You can give the a.i. instructions to act different by toggling the one way button of the entrance signals until the a.i. shows the suggestion you wish. This works flawless (I think a way point tool is not needed) if you place the entrance signals on the proper spots along your network.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by Emeg.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by Emeg.
    in reply to: Waypoints #8860

    Douglas, can you post a picture of the problem having the pathfinding feature (the coloured arrows on you track) turned on?

    in reply to: Disappointed… #8856

    McAfee is like a bad working watchdog.. barking when there is no reason to bark.

    in reply to: Signaling: what can i do with path signals in stations? #8847

    To see what pathfinding problems players have it would be helpful if they use the in-game feature to discover and show how the routes are running over your network. As far i can see at the topic starter picture he has not placed the necessary entrance signals near his station layout.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by Emeg.
    in reply to: Train Fever Now Includes Submarines! #8845

    Regarding performance the game has beta game issues. I hope this shall be solved by patches.

    in reply to: I need help with a simple station and its signals – #8503

    Roanoss, with how I have built the switches between the station and the one way entrance signal at the other side of the switches are all deadlock possibilities eliminated. I don’t see any problem, the tracks to station Alpha are both set to one way traffic . And if things goes really wrong, you can always stop and reverse a train by using the specific hyperlinks in its pop up mini screen.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by Emeg.
    in reply to: I need help with a simple station and its signals – #8483

    Roanoss, regarding the use of two (or more) platforms at a terminal station. The trick is repeated route selection inside a specific line. In the picure below you can see that the route from station Alpha to station Bravo set twice, making that the route setting for line 1 has four steps. Trains in TF never drive randomly, so also the route setting inside the line is fixed to its internal program.

    As you can see in the picture, a train that is driving for line 1 enters in its 2nd and 4th route stage station Bravo. During its 2nd stage the train goes to Bravo’s left platform and during its 4th stage the train drives to the right platform. This is also shwon by the stage numbers you can see above the platform tracks. This switching between both platforms is automatically done by the game a.i. using a toggle mechanism. In fact is the whole picture including how I have built the switches and the place where the entrance signal is built self-explanatory. I have deribelatery placed the entrance signal at the right side of the left track showing how you can force a line to drive its trains (as in England but also in Switserland) on the left side of a double railroad track.

    The train that is entering the station is running in its 2nd route stage. The route to the left platform don’t interfare the route of the opposing train. Because TF use a route pathfinding model and not a block system (the TF signals works together with the invisible sensors in the switches) the entrance signal has cleared the train running at stage 2 to continue to the left platform. Also the opposing train on the 4th route stage is driving, it has been cleared to drive by the invisisible exit signal at the platform endstation. because its route don’t interfare with the other train it is already on its way to station Alpha.

    Regarding the randomly reassigns of how the game (in fact how two way signals) created chaos. There is a hidden feature in the toggle mechanism between the two way and one way signal settings. I you don’t like how the two way signal has set the route, toggle back to the one way setting and then again to two way signal setting. Continue this toggeling  until the two way signal has set the route you wish. And of course allows the game that two or more lines can use (partly)  the same track.. as in real, that is not a bug but working as designed.


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by Emeg.
    in reply to: Are there 1 or 2 types of signals? #8328

    @Person012345 Having way points in TF is also one of my wishes. But I am afraid that it is not done in the gaming industry to accomplish all the gamers wishes instantly.. due commercial reasons. So fingers crossed 😉

    in reply to: People won't use the train #8317

    I don’t know, are you sure you are not using a cargo station for passenger transport?

    in reply to: I need help with a simple station and its signals – #8302

    Why do so many people place exit signals at platform ends? The platform end of a station is in Train Fever a signal too. That is also the case for a depot, having an internal exit signal. Signal technical seen is a station track two follow up signals, having the platform track between them. Further, it is not true that in TF a line can service at a station only one platform, that is even not true for a terminal station, as I have find out. Try to get familiar with the Train Fever game engine. Try to learn from the game community all the tricks and hidden game features you can use, there are many of them. The real stupid mistake that is made is publishing this game without (decent) manual.

    in reply to: Gleisbelegung #8276

    Did you see this YouTube signal tutorial? http://youtu.be/CPVoryjaVpw

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by Emeg.
    in reply to: Are there 1 or 2 types of signals? #8153

    Also in Train Fever you can force a line to use multiple platforms, at a terminal station too. I give a hint.. repeated route setting in a line between two stations, A – B – A – B.

    in reply to: Are there 1 or 2 types of signals? #8149

    Signals in Train Fever are working in combination and cooperation with the switches, stations, depots and ofcourse the existing lines you have created by yourself. Many players don’t see how smart and elegant this system works.. its so stupid simple to grasp that it looks hard to get a hang of it. If you understand how the TF signal system works then you also understand that the one way signals placed on the long double track connections works as automated bock signals. In more complicated situations is the relevant switch, not only a switch but also the flawless controller of the relevant exit signal! Thus in passing loops you don’t need a entrance with exit signal combination to create the block protection in the passingloop. Each station platform act as two following signals, placed on both ends and having the station railtrack between. That is the reason why stations but also depots don’t need manually placed exit signals.

    in reply to: In addition to three bugs; 6 improvements needed #8137

    Regarding 6,  I don’t know why a signal can’t already be used to set as a way point too. Further I don’t see why there is a need for more advanced signals. In the Train Fever system they are working elegant and very good in combination with the switches.

    in reply to: McAfee #8066

    Thank you mikael for your responce. I like Train Fever and hope for the devs and game community that this game shall be very successful.

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