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  • in reply to: GAME STOPS #15936

    I think you can better ask that question on the other forum, more people there to answer you question. Is it an Nvdia card?

    Post your question here:

    in reply to: Everything is a main connection! #15090

    You must use the very same road before you can take the old one out.
    P.S. some roads might look alike so if it still does not work you should try a similar looking.

    in reply to: trains says no path #14979

    In case you updated your tracks with electricity, make sure to have every part covered. Stations, the small piece from your depot to your railroad and every other tiny bit. Sometimes you can miss just a little small piece making trains giving that error. That is after you tried Uzurpator’s suggestions and still doesn’t work.

    in reply to: Aesthetics #12190

    Not found it yet (as a mod) but there are some on that change the size or colors, maybe there is one to disable them, take a look there.

    in reply to: Is it me? #11880

    Ok, thanks!

    in reply to: Gridlock #11832

    If your streets all upgraded and you still have stuck vehicles, you can solve it like this. Just try to halt or reverse 1 of your own vehicles. Like this (it’s in german but you get the idea) A car is blocking the road around 19:55 minutes:


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by Stonedashell.
    in reply to: Thank You TF-Devs! My wishes are ;) #11819

    Hm and now the edit button is gone:

    in reply to: Thank You TF-Devs! My wishes are ;) #11815

    #2 I hoped that i could increase the max of 14 by adding more loading platforms but unfortunately that doesn’t work. But it sure helps getting the trucks being handled quicker. One platform is used for unloading and the others for loading. In case you didn’t know that, but you probably tried as well.

    Edit: How to make a picture as you do above? That you see a small preview until you click on it? What size is that?


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by Stonedashell.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by Stonedashell.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by Stonedashell.
    in reply to: Who are you and where you from #11813

    I’m Dutch and this game is pretty fun. Always like micromanagements/RTS games and in particular transportation. I do work in the transport world, but that’s not that strange since i grew up in Rotterdam which was the biggest port in the world for many years. Always cool to see all that activity.

    in reply to: Huge trucks #11812

    I was always amazed by those road trains they have in Australia. Used for Cattle and other stuff. That’s the advantage of long straight roads.

    in reply to: Is it me? #11810

    I have a small question too, not worth to make a new topic on that and it’s sort of related. So, since a day i started to use mods like special trains and busses. I have to start the Mod-Explorer program where i uploaded them in before i start the game.

    What happens if you forgot to start that mod-program with the busses and trains included. My lines will have no trains? Not sure if i want to try, doing well now, don’t  want to mess it up with lines being gone or passenger drops etc.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by Stonedashell.
    in reply to: Things to improve the game #11615

    I just set up a train industry line again and i really miss the Half Load option. I have 1 train with 1 wagon which can carry 13 goods, i rather have him go half loaded minimum with a low waitingtime then a long standstill to wait for 13 goods, takes a couple of years in game to fill that.

    Adding the option to let it run at half load (same with passengers) is an option i really miss. This game is much more sophisticated then Railroadtycoon but you could maybe lend some of their options. Same as bridge building as suggested by others. It’s really hard to make a good one. If you fail you need to redo the surface most of the time and try another failure.


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by Stonedashell.
    in reply to: Things to improve the game #11598

    ^^ first thing i learned was to pre-plan when putting a station and make sure i put tracks in possible future directions to prevent the town to expand that way.

    in reply to: Things to improve the game #11519

    I would really like the cities to grow bigger faster and bigger so it’s more realistic to have trains run between them

    Maybe for large maps only on medium and small you would have problems laying tracks and removing buildings can be expensive. But large cities would be nice so you can do sort of loop through your city with enough passengers.

    To the OP +1

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by Stonedashell.
    in reply to: Best way for bus/tram routes? #11285

    On that last subject. When my city expands and i can’t make more lines to a station due to collision or not enough room, is it profitable to make a second rail station on the other side of the town?

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